Introducing Elston Liquid Real Asset Index
About this index
Inflation is on the rise. A combination of liquid real assets can help provide near-term and medium-term inflation protection.
This Index aims to:
1. Increase Diversification: The index represents a range of real asset exposures that focus on providing a real income, a real value or a real difference.
2. Protect Against Inflation: The index provides access to key exposures that enable a layered approach to inflation protection over different time-frames.
3. Constrain Risk: The index is designed to have a volatility comparable to UK gilts to enable partial substitution of bond allocations, without altering a portfolio’s overall risk profile.
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See our 2021 index performance update and Insights and Commentary on Liquid Real Assets
Accesing this index
Indices are for benchmarking purposes. You cannot invest in an index.
Visit Valu-Trac Investment Management's website to learn more about funds linked to this index.
This Index aims to:
1. Increase Diversification: The index represents a range of real asset exposures that focus on providing a real income, a real value or a real difference.
2. Protect Against Inflation: The index provides access to key exposures that enable a layered approach to inflation protection over different time-frames.
3. Constrain Risk: The index is designed to have a volatility comparable to UK gilts to enable partial substitution of bond allocations, without altering a portfolio’s overall risk profile.
Find out more
Sign-up to receive updates and information on this index
See our 2021 index performance update and Insights and Commentary on Liquid Real Assets
Accesing this index
Indices are for benchmarking purposes. You cannot invest in an index.
Visit Valu-Trac Investment Management's website to learn more about funds linked to this index.
Index InformationElston Liquid Real Assets Index [ELSLRA Index]
Index Objectives: The Index uses a strategic weighting scheme to allocate across a diverse range of liquid instruments representing real asset classes, such as listed property securities, listed infrastructure securities, asset-backed securities, natural resources, gold, commodity baskets, as well as other instruments that are directly or indirectly inflation-linked. Format: Non-significant Benchmark Index Data Contributors: Elston Methodology Owner: Elston Benchmark Index Administrator: Elston Fund InformationVT Elston Liquid Real Assets Index Fund
ISIN: GB00BLB58C88 |