Retirement Portfolios
We help you develop and integrate your Retirement Proposition
By mapping your existing solutions to our Retirement Pathways architecture, we can help you develop your own Retirement Income advice process that integrate with your broader Centralised Investment & Retirement Proposition.
1. Understand the Challenge
Understand the key aspects of evolving Regulation and best practice when it comes to offering a Retirement Proposition.
2. Get the Knowledge
Use our extensive library of CPD content to build and prove knowledge in Retirement Investing.
3. Find a solution
We work with financial advisers to develop their Centralised Investment & Retirement Proposition.
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Arrange a Consultation using the form below to find out out more.
Our Retirement Proposition design process
1 Focus on Client Segments
Consider your broader Retirement Proposition: how you assess suitability, what tools you use and how you model retirement outcomes for different client segments and their respective needs and objectives.
2 Combine Retirement Portfolios with an Annuity Glidepath
Combining Retirement Portfolios with our Annuity Glidepath framework creates a comprehensive approach to retirement income. Also consider how your retirement proposition compares to workplace pensions and to non-advised Retirement Pathways from an appropriateness, Value For Money and ESG perspective.
3 Integrated Governance & Reporting
Consider how you will create a robust Governance framework around your Retirement Proposition and how you will integrate it with your back office and end client reporting.